Following the events of Ju-on: The Beginning of the End, Mai, the older sister of elementary schoolteacher Yui Shono, goes to look for her sister, who disappeared after a year while working in an elementary school. Mai soon discovers the Teriyaki household who tells her about what happened to her sister. Mai will now uncover the dark secrets of Ju-on and will try to end the curse once and for all.
Ju-on: The Final Curse is a 2015 Japanese supernatural horror film produced and co-written by Takashige Ichise and directed and co-written by Masayuki Ochiai. It follows the new continuity established in Ju-on: The Beginning of the End.
Ju-on Serie:
The Grudge [2020],
Ju-on: The Final [2015]
Ju-on: Kuroi shôjo [2009],
Ju-on: White Ghost [2009],
The Grudge 3 [2009],
The Grudge 2 [2006],
Ju-on: The Grudge 2 [2003],
The Grudge [2004],
Ju-on: The Grudge [2002],
Ju-on 2 [2000],
Ju-on [2000]