You would not believe how scary they can be the cctv footage. When three years ago debuting director Oren Peli introduced the horror film where these images formed the visual component, no one thought that
Paranormal Activity will go down in history. However, it happened. A Film for fifteen thousand dollars of them earned nearly 200 million, thus becoming what the return on investment one of the most successful films of all time. Moreover, it is considered a horror top, because this ghost story can take only the most hardened. The main role they have to play again the cameras, which have concerned owners to show what wrongdoing is going on in their home while sleeping peacefully. It can be assumed that the scarier home video you can imagine hardly. About increasingly fearful of the film demonstrates it, that, after the complaints of the viewers stopped some american movies to factor into the advertising slots of its trailer... In the first episode the creators have used a proven method pseudoreálných shots, when the camera is presented as found material. Into the same river a second time to enter logically they can't, they don't even want, yet Oren Peli says that the key to a gripping story, which they used, offers a much more frightening possibility. And because the story is up to the premiere of the film a closely guarded secret, there than to see with my own senses. We wish you a pleasant sleeping...
Paranormal Activity Series:
Paranormal Activity 1 [
Paranormal Activity 2 [
Paranormal Activity 3 [
Paranormal Activity 4 [
Paranormal Activity 5 [
Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night [
Paranormal Activity: the Marked Ones [