Horror films

Scanner Cop II

Horror movie by Steve Barnett from 1995.

Scanner Cop II

USA, 1995, 95min
Director: Steve Barnett

Daniel Quinn - Detektiv Samuel Staziak, Patrick Kilpatrick - Karl Volkin, Khrystyne Haje - Carrie Goodart,

Returns scanner cop Samuel Staziak (again, in the administration of DANIEL QUINN) and in its immediate vicinity are approaching a new threat. The police arrest a strange drifter who refuses to testify. The doctor he finds a cure, what usually use scanners to keep their destructive power under control. Soon they discovered the corpses of police officers and the doctor and starts to be clear where the wind is blowing. Against the law even to the whole human species is worth psychopathic scanner Karl Volkin, which shame even the most heinous crimes. Its main goal is to get a top cop Staziaka, which does not hesitate to exploit even policistových loved ones, including his mother. The clash of two masterpieces of telepaths so they can fully start.
Budget: $4,000,000
Genre: Horror Sci-Fi

Imdb.com CZ

Rating by horrory.cz: 51 %
Rating by imdb.com: 46 %

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