Horror films

Area 51

Horror movie by Oren Peli from 2015.

Area 51

USA, 2015, 91min
Director: Oren Peli

Suze Lanier-Bramlett - Diane, Sandra Staggs - Matka, Roy Abramsohn - Otec, Glenn Campbell - Sám

Sci-Fi horror picture from the author of the Paranormal Activity [2007] begins in 1994, when a group of three friends visit the infamous secret base of american army přezdívanou Area 51 after their disappearance in the area will issue a special unit under the leadership of a soldier Ethan Cole (Ben Rovner - the Fourth kind [2009]). But unknown UFO will kill all members of the unit and the sole survivor Ethan becomes infected with an unknown virus. If Ethan wants to save humanity must eliminate all alien entities.
Budget: $5,000,000
Genre: Horror Sci-Fi Thriller

Number of Deaths: 47

Imdb.com CZ film trailer

Rating by horrory.cz: 28 %
Rating by imdb.com: 42 %

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