Stepfather II
USA, 1989, 93min
Director: Jeff Burr
Terry O'Quinn, Meg Foster, Caroline Williams, Jonathan Brandis, Henry Brown, Mitchell Laurance, Miriam Byrd-Nethery, Leon Martell, Renata Scott, John
The sequel to the horror film Stepfather captures the main hero very soon after the end of the first film. He decides to flee from the psychiatric hospital and re-build their dream family life, the implementation of which he unfortunately never exactly not coincide with the planned idea. And although he manages to hide behind a credible mask to a psychiatrist and snovat his plans, his past and his undeniable own psychological disorder him again complicate life. In the main role of the second part of the Stepfather, as in the case of the first Terry OˇQuinn (John Locke from the show Lost), at whose side I played back then, thirteen-year-old actor Jonathan Brandis. For his career, the year was 1989 essential, because in addition to the son in the Stepfather 2 "cut" and the main role in the sequel to the Neverending story.

Budget: $1,500,000
Genre: Horror Thriller