Horror films

Poslední výkřik

Horror movie by Tomáš Kučera from 2012.

Poslední výkřik

Czech Republic, 2012, 90min
Director: Tomáš Kučera

Iveta Bartošová, Petra Horváthová, Vojtěch Hájek, Marek Jurčík, Honza Kučera, Petr Máchala, Miloslav Mejzlík, Dana Morávková, Irena Machová, René

The little town of Petrovice has been terrorized by a serial killer who is murdering the students of the local school. The police are searching for the killer, but cannot find any lead. There is every indication that the masked murderer has been gunning for Karin Tomecková whose parents were brutally killed 8 months ago. The murders are piling up and so are the suspects. The police are trying hard to catch the murderer, but it might be even late. The killer can be anywhere.

Genre: Horror Crime

Official FB page Imdb.com CZ

Rating by horrory.cz: 10 %
Rating by imdb.com: 32 %

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