Horror films

Snakes on a Train

Horror movie by Peter Mervis from 2006.

Snakes on a Train

USA , 2006, 91min
Director: Peter Mervis

A.J. Castro, Julia Ruiz, Giovanni Bejarano, Al Galvez, Amelia Jackson-Gray, Shakti Shannon, Stephen A.F. Day, Isaac Wade, Carolyn Meyer,

Young woman hit by a mayan curse was sentenced to death by snakebite hundreds of snakes. The only way to save your life, it is urgent to get beyond and find a shaman who can help her. Gets therefore, on the joint heading to Los Angeles. In the train, but there will be hundreds of bloodthirsty, venomous, hungry snakes, and all the passengers to find themselves in danger of life.
Genre: Horror Action

Imdb.com CZ

Rating by horrory.cz: 17 %
Rating by imdb.com: 25 %

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