Horror films


Horror movie by Fred Olen Ray from 2001.


USA , 2001, 97min
Director: Fred Olen Ray

Treat Williams, Mary Page Keller, Hannes Jaenicke, Catherine Dent, Tony Denison, Geoff Pierson, Brian Poth, Nicole Nieth, Christal Chacon,

In a small american town with an increasing number of cases of death of the consequences of snakebite. It seems that this time it's about the unknown, a very aggressive species of snake - and the nervousness of the population to change in a panic after finding that the desert behind the town, these new snakes are crawling with. They come from a secret military base trying to genetic mutations "improve" snakes for use in war. Against the poison of this superhada is not a defense. As well as against the recklessness of those whom secret project got out of hand and now with the power of power to prevent scandal. A small town in the desert became the only witness to the failure of the military machine - and has to be razed and their residents.
Genre: Horror Action Drama

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Rating by horrory.cz: 19 %
Rating by imdb.com: 38 %

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