Wolfman, The
USA , 2010, 103min
Director: Joe Johnston
Simon Merrells, Gemma Whelan, Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Mario Marin-Borquez, Asa Butterfield, Cristina Contes, Anthony Hopkins, Art Malik,
The era of childhood is over for Lawrence Talbot (Del Toro) that night, when his mother died. In an effort to forget about leaving the sleepy maiden manor of Blackmoore and went out into the world. With the family reunited thanks to the fiance of his brother, Gwen Conliffeové (Emily Blunt), who asked him for help in the search for the future husband, who disappeared without a trace. Lawrence she accepts and returns home, where in addition to the sarcastic father (Anthony Hopkins), there's also a creepy legend of a monster with superhuman strength, which after nights of wandering around and killing everything living. Lawrence is to these stories initially immune, as well as an inspector of Scotland Yard Aberline (Hugo Weaving), who leads the search for the missing. Gradually but begins to compile a terrifying puzzle whose central piece is an ancient curse that those who are affected, under a full moon transforms into werewolves. To verify the degree of veracity of this legend and at the same time protect his future sister-in-law, which he began to love him tremendously, shall be in full moonlight on a "walk" after blackmooreských forests make it dangerous monster tracked down and killed. If of course it even exists. When Lawrence embarks on a punitive expedition, by far the yet no idea, how much this night would change.

Budget: $150,000,000
Genre: Horror Drama Thriller