Horror films

Children of the Corn: The Gathering

Horror movie by Greg Spence from 1996.

Children of the Corn: The Gathering

USA, 1996, 85min
Director: Greg Spence

Naomi Watts, Jamie Renée Smith, Karen Black, Mark Salling, Brent Jennings, Toni Marsh, Lewis Flanagan III, Brandon Kleyla, William

The film expands upon the origins of "He Who Walks Behind the Rows". The film marked the first time Naomi Watts received first billing, and was also the debut of actor Mark Salling.

Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering is a 1996 American horror film directed by Greg Spence and starring Naomi Watts, Brent Jennings, and Karen Black. It is the fourth film in the Children of the Corn series. The plot follows a medical student returning to her hometown in Nebraska, where she finds the children to be falling under a mysterious mass illness connected to the town's past.

Genre: Horror Thriller

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Rating by horrory.cz: 39 %
Rating by imdb.com: 42 %

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