A family imprisoned by intruders is forced to play a terrifying game of "Kill, Or Be Killed". As the night unfolds, the game's mysterious rules become clear, and the family realizes their nightmare is being streamed live to riveted viewers all over the world, who are compelled to KEEP WATCHING...not knowing if what they're seeing is real, or staged.
Keep Watching (Originally titled Home Invasion) is a 2017 American horror film directed by Sean Carter and written by Joseph Dembner. It was produced by Nicolas Chartier, Andrew Rona, Alex Heineman, Craig J. Flores, Michael Fiore, and Joseph Dembner. It stars Bella Thorne (Amityville: The Awakening [2017]), Ioan Gruffudd (The Gathering [2003]), Natalie Martinez, Chandler Riggs (Mercy [2014]), Leigh Whannell (Insidious [2010]), Matthew Willig (The Horde [2016]), and Christopher James Baker (The Purge: Election Year [2016]).