Horror films


Horror movie by Doron Paz, Yoav Paz from 2016.


, 2016, 94min
Director: Doron Paz, Yoav Paz

Yon Tumarkin, Danielle Jadelyn, Dibi Ben-Yosef, Ido Di Capua, Geri Gendel, Tom Graziani, Fares Hananya, Steven Hilder, Yoav Koresh, Sarel Piterman, Mel Rosenberg,

When a couple of American young adults fly to Israel to visit the city of Jerusalem, a biblical nightmare falls upon the city.

JeruZalem is a 2015 Israeli supernatural horror film. It stars Yael Grobglas as Rachel Klein, Yon Tumarkin as Kevin Reed, Danielle Jadelyn as Sarah Pullman and Tom Graziani as Omar.

Genre: Horror

Official FB page Imdb.com CZ film trailer JeruZalem on Wikipedia

Rating by horrory.cz: 43 %
Rating by imdb.com: 47 %

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