Poor Pretty Eddy
USA, 1973, 92min
Director: David Worth
Leslie Uggams, Shelley Winters, Michael Christian, Ted Cassidy, Dub Taylor, Lou Joffred, Slim Pickens, Red Lawson, Sherif Smith, Jim
In the mid-seventies, a group of filmmakers who have had experience in the adult industry, decided that the film echt mainstream southern thriller, in addition, for some reason, allegedly loosely inspired by the absurd drama of the Balcony by Jean Genet. The result is an eccentric contribution to the genre of rural exploitation of the american South about a black singer Liz, who has the bad luck, her car breaks down near a remote little hotel Bertin, oasis, among whose bizarre population includes young musician of Eddie, a redneck, a follower of the legacy of Elvis Presley. No "Love Me Tender" from him, Liz, but in no case to hear. Eddie in it because he sees an opportunity to push their own "lately somewhat stagnant" career. It is, however, nothing I don't even like Liz alone, even the owner of a small hotel, the ageing vaudeville actress, which Eddie keeps as a young lover. Explicit violence will not take long to wait. The hallucinatory atmosphere of the work completes a series of unexpectedly avant-garde filmmaking practices involving frequent slow-motion shots, cadavers or bizarre prostřihávání rape scenes footage kopulujících dogs. Obskurnost this forgotten brakového monument undoubtedly support the fact that the producer of the film Michael Thevis is currently serving a sentence in prison for double murder.

Budget: $1,100,000
Genre: Horror Drama