Horror films


Horror movie by Guillermo del Toro from 1993.


Mexico, 1993, 94min
Director: Guillermo del Toro

Federico Luppi, Ron Perlman, Claudio Brook, Margarita Isabel, Tamara Shanath, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Mario Iván Martínez, Farnesio de Bernal,

Filmography of Guillermo del Toro can be divided into two parts. The first of them consists of a more or less custom-made projects Mimic (1997), Blade 2 (2002), Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy 2: the Golden army (2008), in which the director's handwriting was limited to the superficial manifestations of the unbridled imagination in the field of art direction, costuming, special effects and the grafting of various style and genre elements. The second category contains a distinctive and, above all purely personal trinity time Machine (1993), a Prince without a kingdom (2001) and Pan's labyrinth (2006). While narration of customized frames incorporate the horror elements and varying degrees of it is grind in a sci-fi action spectacle or the fantastical comic pastiši, triptych copyright titles showing a single thematic line and the same gripping horror movie. The basic principle of the genre, thus the entry of foreign intangible element to a familiar reality, is them applied to the children's world. In the debut Cronos a little granddaughter of the protagonist represents only a minor character, but still fundamentally affects the narrative. Her grandfather, the antique dealer due to the influence of the ancient alchemical invention obtains the physical prowess and eternal life, but in exchange for them are baying for blood and his skin starts to die and peel. The little girl approaching with a visible horror, but still, from him will never diminish, and even helps him to feed his thirst. The Film brilliantly captures the unconditional love of a small child to grandparents and children's access to monsters and the bogeyman. Children's vision of the world is full of terror, which stems from the fact that children do not have the rationality of adults, which would prove the bizarre visual sensations relativise or simply overlooked. Sooner or later, however, must come to the position with the wraiths and their control. The director in one interview, he recalls how as a small fear of undulating the fibres of home carpets by these sinister monsters promised that if they let him alone, he will be their friend.Prices (selection): Ariel, 1993: debut, directing, actor in a supporting role (Giménez Cacho, also known from the Come out and play [2012]), theme, script, design, special effects, IFF fantastic film Brussels, 1994: the Silver raven (del Toro), IFF Cannes 1993: the Price of Mercedes Benz, IFF Sitges 1993: actor, screenplay
Budget: $2,000,000
Genre: Horror

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Rating by horrory.cz: 63 %
Rating by imdb.com: 68 %

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