Attack the Block
France Great Britain, 2011, 88min
Director: Joe Cornish
Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Leeon Jones, Franz Drameh, Simon Howard, Maggie McCarthy, Danielle Vitalis, Paige Meade, Gina
The producers of the film shaun of the dead [2004] reported an ATTACK ON the TOWER, engrossing, fun, and spooky action-adventure, in which a street gang of youths battle with the invasion of brutal monsters from outer space. The london housing estate changes on a sci-fi battlefield, apartments for people with low income are becoming fortresses in siege and out of a bunch of teenagers are unstoppable heroes. The center of the city to compete with the universe and it will bomb.
Budget: $13,000,000
Genre: Horror Sci-Fi Comedy
Number of Deaths: 8