Straw Dogs
USA Great Britain, 1971, 118min
Director: Sam Peckinpah
Dustin Hoffman, Susan George, Peter Vaughan, T.P. McKenna, Del Henney, Jim Norton, Donald Webster, Ken Hutchison, Len Jones, Sally
"Thank you for Your comment. I didn't want the movie enjoyed. I had intended to get You to take a look at Your own soul." So many Sam Peckinpah and his reaction to the letter from the viewer, pobouřeného intensity of violence displayed in the film Scarecrows. The story of american mathematician David (Dustin Hoffman) and his frivolous wife Amy (Susan George), who in an abandoned house in the English countryside will become objects of the brutal attack of the weary villagers, represents Peckinpahovu the most disturbing study of the violence hidden deep inside a peaceful individual, who is in a critical moment forced to fight for bare survival. Study impressive even with its refined use of slow-motion shots and rapid editing, especially in the final, delirickém conquest of the house, that without the conventions of western shootouts acts too realistically. Scarecrows excel fascinating ability to prevent the viewer in taking a safe distance from the monitored events, and forces it to often not very lichotivému looking inside yourself. Already the opening sequence with the kids trápícími dog, which refers to similar activities in the introduction of the Wild bunch (the dog is replaced by a scorpion and red ants), is indicative of the director's rather skeptical view on the bright future of humanity.

Budget: $3,250,000
Genre: Horror Drama Thriller