Horror films

Prophecy: Uprising, The

Horror movie by Joel Soisson from 2005.

Prophecy: Uprising, The

USA , 2005, 88min
Director: Joel Soisson

John Light, Sean Pertwee, Kari Wuhrer, Jason London, Doug Bradley, Georgina Rylance, Stephen Billington, Dan Chiriac, Boris Petroff, Alin

Detective Dani Simionescu works in Bucharest on a very zapeklitém the case of murders, whose victims were ripped out hearts from the bodies. The Interpol Agent John Riegert is entrusted with Dani with the search help. Alisson working in a local church finds a murdered priest and a mysterious bible, in which the last chapter still being written. The voice of an angel it orders the bible to protect from the demon, which it wants to use in the war with the angels.
Genre: Horror Action Fantasy

Imdb.com CZ

Rating by horrory.cz: 45 %
Rating by imdb.com: 52 %

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