Horror films

The Hole in the Ground Cast & Crew

Horror movie The Hole in the Ground by Lee Cronin - Cast & Crew.

The Hole in the Ground

, 2019, 90min

Director: Lee Cronin
Writter: Lee Cronin
Camera: Tom Comerford
Music by: Stephen McKeon

·Seána Kerslake - Sarah O'Neill
·James Quinn Markey - Chris O'Neill
·Kati Outinen - Noreen Brady
·David Crowley - Teacher
·Simone Kirby - Louise Caul
·Steve Wall - Rob Caul
·Eoin Macken - Jay Caul
·Sarah Hanly - Lil Jones
·Bennett Andrew - Doctor (as Andrew Bennett)
·James Cosmo - Des Brady
·John Quinn - Detective
·Miro Lopperi - A
·Karim Barras - A (voice)
·Helena Coppejans - A (voice)
·Alain Eloy - A (voice)
·Grégory Praet - A (voice)
·Kobe Truijens - A (voice)
·Stevie Greaney - Perent
·Chloe Grogan - School Girl
·David McMahon - Parent

Imdb.com CZ film trailer

Rating by horrory.cz: 54 %
Rating by imdb.com: 57 %

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