Horror films

Ruin Me Cast & Crew

Horror movie Ruin Me by Preston DeFrancis - Cast & Crew.

Ruin Me

USA, 2017, 87min

Director: Preston DeFrancis
Camera: Jesse Eisenhardt
Music by: Holly Amber Church

·Marcienne Dwyer - Alex
·Matt Dellapina - Nathan
·Chris Hill - Larry
·Eva Hamilton - Marina
·John Odom - Pitch
·Sam Ashdown - Jared
·Cameron Gordon - Tim
·Rocky Rector - The Host
·Tom Harryman - The Hobo
·Alex Galick - The Skinny Kid
·Trenton Colbert - The Cop
·Traver Johnson - Key Slashy
·Jerry Maxwell - Slashy
·Tim Taylor - Slashy
·The After Effect - The Slasher Sleepout Band
·Alex Pearson - The Slasher Sleepout Band (Guitar)
·Matt Fairfield - The Slasher Sleepout Band (Guitar)
·Ryan Slagle - The Slasher Sleepout Band (Bass)
·Johnathan Swainston - The Slasher Sleepout Band (Drums)
·Ken Price - Bar Patron
·Eliza Stierle - Girl at Bar
·Lesli Harad - 911 Operator (voice)

Imdb.com CZ film trailer

Rating by horrory.cz: 52 %
Rating by imdb.com: 52 %

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